
Bad Religion

七月註定要被Frank Ocean染成他的橙色,因為他選擇了在這個月份訴盡其心聲

這個消息絕對震撼了R&B/Hip-Hop界,印象中在這個範疇裏,沒有多少歌手會如此坦率分享自己同性初戀的故事,特別是像Frank Ocean這種地位尚淺的歌手,出櫃其實跟自殺無異。七月四日表明心跡,往後幾天樂迷們也激烈討論Frank的性取向 (曾與男性交往,卻有一名妻子),然後他七月九日跑到Jimmy Fallon的節目表演,七月十日提前把即將推出的專輯《Channel Orange》上載至iTunes及其網站,七月十七日才正式上架。接二連三的出位舉動,一下子把Frank Ocean的人氣推至頂峰。

在Jimmy Fallon的節目表演片段中,看得出Frank Ocean有點緊張。也許因為這是他第一次在電視上表演,也可能因為他對於坊間如何看待他的故事感到不明朗,難免怯場。而當你看到他雖然笑容緬腆,也依然賣力地唱著新歌〈Bad Religion〉,無奈地愛上一個不能愛的男子,唾罵不懂人情的的士司機,集柔弱與堅定於一身,可以肯定這片段裏頭的Frank Ocean心中有無盡的矛盾交纏著。

此刻,我只想把Frank Ocean擁入懷中。

〈Bad Religion〉

Taxi driver
You're my shrink for the hour
Leave the meter running
It's rush hour
So take the streets if you wanna
Just outrun the demons, could you?
He said "allahu akbar", I told him don't curse me
"But boy you need prayer", I guess it couldn't hurt me
If it brings me to my knees
It's a bad religion

This unrequited love
To me it's nothing but
A one-man cult
And cyanide in my styrofoam cup
I could never make him love me
Never make him love me
Love, love

Taxi driver
I swear I've got three lives
Balanced on my head like steak knives
I can't tell you the truth about my disguise
I can't trust no one
And you say "allahu akbar", I told him don't curse me
"But boy you need prayer", I guess it couldn't hurt me
If it brings me to my knees
It's a bad religion

It's a bad religion
To be in love with someone
Who could never love you
I know, only bad religion
Could have me feeling the way I do

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